Henrietta’s Kitchen
Henrietta’s Kitchen emerged out of some drawings and recipes that I had hidden away in a cupboard a few years ago - drawings of simple recipes and ideas of how to make it all easy.
Henrietta’s Kitchen started as entertaining and recipe cards, but is evolving as I wonder what people are wanting to say to each other and making cards for some of those moments. So it’s recipes and cards, and as part of that, an endeavour to encourage amidst the clutter of my kitchen and the stuff going on in our lives.
Henrietta’s actual kitchen is, I hope, a place of warmth and welcome, pots of tea, favourite mugs, putting the world to rights, much to discuss, chats on the phone, thoughts of tea, wonderings about supper, musings over the crossword, laptops open, freedom to be yourself and being loved for that.
Who’s Henrietta?
Henrietta lives in Kent with her husband, two children, one black dog and 4 chickens (at the present count).
“So what do I do? Well, apart from the washing and the cooking and the driving, I’m setting up this card business, I run an AirBnB, I set up a group called Café Toddlers at church, and I have hopes for a podcast.”
“So there’s what I do, but a lot of my time is defined by who I am. I sometimes think that I have lots of bits of string attached to me: I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an aunt, an illustrator, an AirBnb Host, and I aspire to be a podcaster. I didn’t really want to add Christian in case that led to a screech of brakes on your part, but as that’s more part of me than any of my other identities I feel it has to be included.
“With all those bits of string attached to me, let’s hope the balloon doesn’t go up.”